Unit Plan Title: Exploration of Wood |
Science Concept - DCI: PS - observation
Teacher candidate name: Layken Ward (Spring 2018) This 2-week integrated STEM Unit Plan extends observations and explorations related to materials by focusing in on just one material - wood. Links to other domains are included, such as connections with trees. TN Science Standard (Anchor): K.PS.1.1 Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials including wood, plastic, metal, cloth, and paper by their observable properties (color, texture, hardness, and flexibility) and whether they are natural or human-made. |
Science Concept - DCI: ESS - animals and basic needs
Teacher candidate name: Alyssa Hare (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 1st grade This 2-week integrated STEM Unit Plan is designed to facilitate students in using models for recognizing, describing, and predicting the patterns of the moon. Through a series of scaffolded lessons, students will use inquiry to investigate and observe what causes the phases of the moon and how we can use the patterns to predict the phases. TN Science Standard: K.ESS3: Use a model to represent the relationship between the basic needs (shelter, food, water) of different plant and animals (including humans) and the places they live. |
Science Concept - DCI: Earth's Place - The Universe and its Stars
Teacher candidate name: Elizabeth Schock (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 1st grade This 2-week integrated STEM Unit Plan is designed to facilitate students in using models for recognizing, describing, and predicting the patterns of the moon. Through a series of scaffolded lessons, students will use inquiry to investigate and observe what causes the phases of the moon and how we can use the patterns to predict the phases. TN Science Standard: ESS 1.1: Use observations or models of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted. NGSS Standard: 1-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe |
Unit Plan Title: Pollination |
Science Concept - DCI: Life Science - Structures and Processes
Teacher candidate name: Victoria Karcher (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 1st grade This 2-week integrated STEM Unit Plan will focus on pollination, where it is located, how it is transferred, and the part bees play in the pollination process. The Unit Plan integrates language arts, mathematics, social studies, music, art, and movement into the focal science standard. This group of children are already knowledgeable about plant structure and function. TN Science Standard: 1.LS1: 1) Recognize the structure of plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) and describe the function of the parts (taking in water and air, producing food, making new plants). NGSS Standard: 1-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes |
Unit Plan Title: Exploring Materials to Design Clothes |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical science – properties of matter Teacher candidate name: Daisy Flomberg (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: K-2nd This 2-week integrated STEM Unit Plan supports students’ thinking and learning related to physical science and the physical, observable properties of different types of materials (e.g., cloth, metal). Students use measurement for a purpose, as they design and create their own piece of clothing. TN Science Standard: K.PS1.01. Plan and construct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials including wood, plastic, metal, cloth, and paper by their observable properties (color, texture, hardness, and flexibility) and whether or not they are natural or human-made. NGSS Standard: 2-PS1-1 Matter and Its Interactions |
CATAPULTS (K-4th Grade)
Unit Plan Title: Exploring pushes and pulls and building a catapult |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical science – forces and motion
Teacher candidate name: Emmalee Atkins (Spring 2019) Grade ranges: K-3rd Description: Over two weeks, students will explore hands-on challenges, view videos, write, and talk about forces including pushes and pulls. They will think about what the difference is between these two types of forces and how different strengths of forces impact motion. Students will then apply what they learned in the activities to engineer a catapult. TN Science Standard: 3.PS3 Energy is present when objects move; describe effects of energy transfer from one object to another NGSS Standard: PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer |
PING PONG LAUNCHERS (3rd-4th grade)
Unit Plan Title: Ping Pong Ball Launchers and Energy Transfer |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical science – forces and motion
Teacher candidate name: Anna Lowe (Sexton) (Spring 2018) Grade ranges: 3rd Description: Students will talk about pushes and pulls in this unit, build ping pong ball launchers, and read books on forces. TN Science Standard: 3.PS3 Energy is present when objects move; describe effects of energy transfer from one object to another NGSS Standard: PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer |
WATER SOUNDS (1st-2nd grade)
Unit Plan Title: Sound and Vibrations Integrated Unit |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical Science – Relationship Between Sound and Vibration
Teacher candidate name: Boyd Sydney (Spring, 2019) Grade ranges: Second Grade Description: This activity is based on the concept of sound and its cause and effect relationship with vibrating materials. Students will be conducting and planning investigations on how to observe the relationship. TN Science Standard: 2.PS4 (Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer) Plan and conduct investigations to demonstrate the cause and effect relationship between vibrating materials (tuning forks, water, bells) and sounds. NGSS Standard: 1-PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer
DAY AND NIGHT (1st grade)
Unit Plan Title: Things in the Sky |
Science Concept - DCI: Earth and Space Science - Earth and the Solar System
Teacher candidate name: Blake Pierce (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: First Grade Description: This 2- week unit will focus on using models or observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted. Children will conduct their own investigations as well as observe models and images of objects in outer space. TN Science Standard: Earth’s Place in the Universe- 1.ESS1: Use observations or models of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted. 1.ETS1: Solve scientific problems by asking testable questions, making short- term and long- term observations, and gathering information. |
THE LIFE OF WATER (3rd grade)
Unit Plan Title: Diving into The Life of Water |
Science Concept - DCI: Earth and Space Science - The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes
Teacher candidate name: Channing Hamby (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Third Grade Description: This 2-week unit plan that will focus on water and the cycle of water on Earth. Children will explore water and learn the cycle of how it is formed. By the end of the unit, children will be able to explain the cycle of water on earth both orally and also by illustrating. TN Science Standard: 3.ESS2: Earth’s Systems: Explain the cycle of water on Earth |
Unit Plan Title: Classifying Animals |
Science Concept - DCI: Life Science
Teacher candidate name: Courtney Fitzstevens (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Second Grade Description: The main goal of the unit is for students to be able to obtain information on animals’ physical characteristics and communicate it, correctly. The teacher will be implementing hands-on activities, group work, projects, and experiments that promote inquiry and are engaging. TN Science Standard: 2.LS1: 2) Obtain and communicate information to classify animals (vertebrates-mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, invertebrates-insects) based on their physical characteristics. |
Unit Plan Title: Severe Weather in TN |
Science Concept - DCI: Earth and Space Science - Weather and Climate
Teacher candidate name: Bailey Kerley (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Kindergarten Description: The 2-week unit will focus on severe weather in Tennessee, specifically how we can prepare for this weather. Children will explore the different types of weather and what we should do to prepare for it. By the end of the unit, children will be able to describe many types of severe weather in Tennessee in depth and explain different ways to prepare for those types of weather. TN Science Standard: K.ESS3 20 Explain the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather in Tennessee. |
Unit Plan Title: Animals that form groups (BEES) |
Science Concept - DCI: Life Science
Teacher candidate name: Lily Ann Smith (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Third Grade Description: The 2-week unit will focus on animals and why some of them benefit from forming groups, by the end of this unit students will be able to identify some animals that form groups and why those animals benefit from forming groups. Students will specifically be focusing on bees as an animal that forms a group for this unit. TN Science Standard: 3.LS.2 Ecosystems: Energry, Dynamics, and Interactions -construct an argument to explain why some animals benefit from forming groups. |
Unit Plan Title:The Exploration of Wood |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical Science- Matter and Its Interactions
Teacher candidate name: Layken R. Ward (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Kindergarten Description: The main goal for this unit is for the students to explore with their senses to gain an understanding of how important wood is to humans. To start off this unit, the students will be engaged in an activity that allows them to explore wood materials using their senses. The students will go on nature walks, explore with sink and float, as well as experiment in building with wood and non-wood materials to look more in-depth at the properties of wood. TN Science Standard: K.PS.1 1) Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials including wood, plastic, metal, cloth, and paper by their observable properties (color, texture, hardness, and flexibility) and whether they are natural or human-made. |
Unit Plan Title:Differences between plants and animals |
Science Concept - DCI: Life Science -From Molecules to Organisms
Teacher candidate name: Payton Morrell (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Kindergarten Description: The 2-week unit will focus on plants and animals and ways that they are different. Children will explore plants and animals in various ways with teacher provided materials. This unit is specifically focusing on locomotion, obtainment of food, and taking in air/gasses. By the end of the unit students will know the differences between plants and animals. TN Science Standard: K.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes 1)Use information from observations to identify differences between plants and animals (locomotoin, obtainment of food, and take in air/gasses. |
PUSH AND PULL (2nd Grade)
Unit Plan Title:Push and Pull |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical science- Forces, Fields, and Motion
Teacher candidate name: Tuesday Dowell (Spring, 2018) Grade ranges: Second Grade Description: This unit plan is on push and pull, specifically what push and pull looks like after objects have collided or connected. The activities and lessons within this unit are designed to help children understand that push and pull can be forced on objects and also be the outcome of action. TN Science Standard: 2.PS2.1. Analyze the push or the pull that occurs when objects collide or are connected. |
Science Concept - DCI: Weather and Climate
Teacher candidate name: Savana Cleek (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 3rd grade This integrated STEM Unit Plan used the 5Es learning cycle to engage the students in the explanation of clouds and weather types. The weather brochures created by students will explain the weather associated with specific cloud types, and how time is part of weather and cloud predictions. TN Standards: Science: Math: NGSS Standard: 3-ESS2-1.Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season. |
Book image from: Amazon.com
Science Concept - DCI: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
Teacher candidate name: Cameryn Booker (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 4th grade This integrated STEM Unit Plan used the 5Es learning cycle to facilitate students in learning fractions and core ideas related to ecosystems. TN Standards: Science: Math: NGSS Standard: 5-LS2-1. Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment. |
Science Concept - DCI: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
Teacher candidate name: Audrey Pendola (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 5th grade This integrated STEM Unit Plan used the 5Es learning cycle to facilitate students in exploring the ideas of cause and effect of forces on objects, forces can be measured by their effect on an object, and the power of forces on objects can create patterns within systems. Students will build their own pendulum swings and measure the amount of time it takes for them to follow and end their cycle (complete stop). TN Standards: Science Standard Math Standards NGSS Standard: 5-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions |
Science Concept - DCI: From molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Teacher candidate name: TJ Chase (Spring 2020) Grade ranges: 2nd grade This integrated STEM Unit Plan employed the 5Es learning cycle and hands-on activities to facilitate students' learning in skip-counting within 1000 and using simple graphical representations to show that species have different and diverse life cycle. TN Standards: Math Science NGSS Standard: 3-LS1-1.Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death. |
Science Concept - DCI: Life Science
Teacher candidate name: Mackenzie Garcia (Spring, 2019) |
Science Concept - DCI: Physical Science
Teacher candidate name: Allison Frazier (Spring, 2019) |
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